Morning Fish

Morning Fish



dave wave

dave wave











Mt Jefferson

Mt Jefferson

dave backside 180

dave backside 180
see more at on the shreddogger blog!

two shoes self portrait

two shoes self portrait

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Bluetoe TV

THE POST UP! I've been uber busy lately. I started working on a Gus Van Sant film in October and have had little chance to work on my photo and design work. Stoked to be working on a great project with fun people but I lost sight of my blog once again..... You can't keep this dude down though, I've done a bit of work for a Salon in NW Portland, Visual F/X, and have been working on a collaborative blog with my shredder friends that I have attached a link to below. Hope you enjoy the latest....heads up for a big photo post sometime soon....and a trip back to this sweet land this xmas.

Hook up a high-five when you see me


Friday, October 2, 2009


Broadcasting on the youtube now.

Bluetoe TV just posted it's first video. It's an action travel video of moto taxi rides on the streets of Bangkok. Dig it. More video's to come! Click on the link, stink.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Favre T-Shirts are legit.

These are straight off the press so be the first on your block to rock the "Real Men Don't Wear Purple" t-shirts.

How could Favre play for the Vickings after all that Green Bay fans gave him? We gave him love, support, stardom, infamy??? He slapped us all in the face. Forget about that dude, he's LAME! (I got respect for Adrian Peterson though, scary good)

We only have a limited amount of shirts so get on it soon! Check the posting for details.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

plugged in and unplugged

Visiting the beach for the last week was a much needed break away from cell phones, the internet, people and the noise of the city. This work was taken off the same cf card and illustrates the contrasts and the beauty of the city and the coast. I haven't really taken much interest in landscape photography. I always tended to focus on faces and features of people and their surroundings. Spending hours on the beach watching the sun and the waves was a break from what I had been shooting and something I didn't really understand how much I needed. It was nice to be unplugged but I appreciate being plugged in.

Monday, July 27, 2009

guilty in the 1st degree.

I think every blogger tends to neglect their blog from time to time and I am definitely guilty of blog neglect. Sorry blog. I'm hoping to post more often...once a week.. or prob more like once a month.

To give this post an explanation: It is a combination of scraps that I've been holding onto. There is no real themes that connect these photos there are a few portraits and some other color and composition photos I really dig.

I promise more to come soon!

the remote control

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Recently having shown a friend the city of Portland it reopened my eyes to a lot of great things going on around me. It gave me some need inspiration and reminded me that I need to let new people see the work I do. These recent photos have been taken over the last couple months in record stores and junk yards with a few from late nights around town. In some ways this a Spring cleaning of photo's that I've been meaning to post for sometime.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Hayward Williams

Here are a few photos from a day I spent with a Milwaukee based musician Hayward Williams in late December. He is a good friend of mine and great songwriter. Check out his page at for more info and to hear is work.